WordPress Advises

wordpress advises

Several advises for WordPress programmers

I have been coding/programming/designing for WordPress already for a long, and I wanted to share some typical advises to others.
(I will complete this page after several weeks, when I have more time)

Till that:

  • Before building a WP website, always plan in advance, which categories and structure you should use with that website – in most case, you’d probably better to setup Multi-Site (read my article about Multi-Site VS Single-Site).
  • After that, it’s important to find the correct theme. Note, that there are many different themes, and if any of them is good for you, but want to modify minor things – then it can be doable by some CSS/HTML modifications.
  • I have collected the list of websites throughout the internet, where you can browse all Free & priced wordpress themes sites and links, and thus choose your desired theme/template.
  • While you are searching for a desired theme, the theme may not be same as you want exactly, but remember,that if you know small programming(or CSS styles), then theme can be changed (colors/sizes/positions). Also, the theme may not have some functionality, but you can search for plugins in internet (for example: Slideshow, Featured Posts, Widgets, Animations and etc…) and the plugins will make your theme more advanced… So, the main purpose is to choose the theme, which is somehow similar to your imagination and looks as you want,  and after that, it can be modified.
  • You definitely have to review and install some of must have wordpress plugins. They will add essential security or generic functionalities to your wordpress site and make it more powerful.
  • They say that using any active plugins make website to load slower – that is sometimes true and sometime not. It depends on the plugins itself. If plugin is “lightweight”, then using 100 of such plugins may be same as 1 heavy plugin… Everything is a matter of benchmark. (There exist debug plugins, i.e. “debug bar & slow actions” plugin and “query monitor” that could somehow help to find slow queries).
  • Nowadays, essential part of website functionality (especially with WordPress) is a security. I advise to use iThemes Security (or any alternative powerful solutions) to harden your website… Also, you HAVE TO read security tips (search in google) related how you should use the website, hide dashboard url, dont login from unknown network or etc…
  • If you want to modify your theme/plugin or any element in WordPress, never do it by modifying the ORIGINAL FILES. Instead read this correct way to modify the theme/wordpress.

I have much to say ,but I will fill this article a bit later.

1 thought on “WordPress Advises”

  1. Pingback: Free WordPress Themes

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