Tradestation Programmer (EasyLanguage)

TradeStation Programmer

tradestation trading platform

If you are looking for a TradeStation / EasyLanguage Programmer, then we can assist you. You can order us any type of custom task, to build, update or modify indicators,strategies, paintbars, functions and scripts for TS (up to latest versions) .  We do a quality work, so, you get exactly what you need..

We prefer you to send us your requirements and inquiries, written in details (either in email or in text document), where will be clearly listed all requirements and behavior of functionality you need, to be easier for us to understand every concept of your needs.

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4 thoughts on “Tradestation Programmer (EasyLanguage)”

  1. Tradestation is one of the most famous trading software,used by many types of investors. It offers a serious and solid service for everyone, who opens account with Tradestation. There is a minimum requirement to open an account, so review the terms carefully, to check if you meet the minimum requirements.

    easylanguage programming

    Also, there exist web trading platform (called simulated trading), where you can make tests. The website offers a different department of apps( called AppStore), where you get free & commercial featured applications and products. But when you come closer to indicators and strategies, then you need to utilize EasyLanguage.  That is the main area, related to programming.

    So, if you need a easylanguage programmer/coder,  then view contact address above and feel free to contact us.

  2. Hello Mr. Todua,
    I have been using TradeStation for more than twenty years. I am not interested in becoming a programmer, but I have learned to write code in easylanguage. There are several TradeStation codes that have been written in the “elsystem” and I would like to have them written in easylanguage. Have you ever changed a code from the elsystem to easylanguage?
    Wishing you all the best,
    John Bond

  3. I would like to have the Ichimoku Cloud indicator modified so that it does not chart the forward-looking 26 bars that are prior to the current bar.
    This should be a parameter “Hide TenkankijunANDChikou” to toggle TRUE/FALSE and another parameter “Show TenkanCross” as TRUE/FALSE.
    Should be an easy bit of coding.
    Can provide an estimate and time frame?
    This would be for TS V10 on Windows.

  4. Dimitri Lespinasse

    I have created a strategy that I am testing with.  Because tradestation orders do not persist,  I want another program to set stops and targets.  I need an order ticket program to look to see if there are any orders  in my account without Stops or target exits.  If they do not have a stop or target, place the price and target based on a list.  That is a file listing containing percent target and stops for Symbols traded(equities only needed.   This would be updated when I would trade a new symbol.  Is this possible?  If so can I have an estimated price on that?   

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